Explore key concepts in software engineering, including development cycles, requirements analysis, UML diagrams, test-driven design, and object-oriented principles in this comprehensive 90-minute lecture. Gain practical insights into creating activity diagrams, use cases, state diagrams, and class diagrams using UML. Learn how to apply object-oriented design techniques and implement them effectively in software development projects.
Development Cycles.
Requirements Analysis.
Introduction to UML.
UML Activity Diagrams.
Use Cases.
UML State Diagrams.
Test Driven Design.
UML Class Diagrams.
Object Oriented Design.
Object Oriented Implementations.
Taught by
Mike Murphy
5.0 rating, based on 1 Class Central review
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The instructor was very knowledgeable and helpful.
The course was well-organized and easy to follow.
The course was very hands-on.
I learned a lot about the R programming language and how to use it for data analysis.
I would definitely recommend this course to anyone who is interested in learning the R programming language.