Explore the critical factors affecting high-speed signal integrity in PCB design through this comprehensive video lecture. Delve into the impact of VIA stubs, backdrilling techniques, and woven glass styles on signal performance. Examine the Fiber Weave Effect (FWE) and its role in creating signal skew. Investigate conductor roughness in PCB layouts and its influence on signal loss. Analyze copper roughness profiles and their effects on high-speed signals. Gain valuable insights from expert Bert Simonovich on mitigating these small but significant issues to optimize your PCB designs for high-speed applications.
What this video is about
VIA stubs
Woven glass styles
Fiber Weave Effect FWE
Skew in PCB signals
Conductor roughness in PCB layout
Loss in PCB tracks
Copper roughness profiles and pictures
Copper roughness and effect on signal loss
Taught by
Robert Feranec