Explore the groundbreaking graphic novel "Silver Surfer" in this insightful video analysis by Cartoonist Kayfabe. Delve into the significance of this work as both the first and last collaborative graphic novel by comic legends Stan Lee and Jack Kirby. Gain a deeper understanding of the Silver Surfer character, the innovative storytelling techniques employed, and the impact this publication had on the comic book industry. Examine the artistic prowess of Jack Kirby and the narrative mastery of Stan Lee as they bring this cosmic hero to life in a unique format. Discover how this graphic novel fits into the broader context of Lee and Kirby's partnership and their contributions to Marvel Comics. Learn about the production process, the reception of the work, and its enduring legacy in comic book history. Whether you're a longtime fan of the Silver Surfer or new to the character, this comprehensive analysis offers valuable insights into a pivotal moment in comic book creation.
Silver Surfer - Stan Lee's and Jack Kirby's First and Last Graphic Novel
Cartoonist Kayfabe via YouTube
Silver Surfer: Stan Lee's and Jack Kirby's FIRST and LAST graphic novel
Taught by
Cartoonist Kayfabe