The Status Quo of Software Development Lifecycles
Understanding Stakeholders and Existing Processes
Project Managers are EPIC assets
QA and DevOps
Analyzing existing processes
Document the gap analysis
How does security affect the stakeholder?
How does security affect the process?
Preparing for rebuilding the program
Key program metrics
Important metrics
Phased goals
Goal phases
Gaining management support
Planning requirements
Active stakeholder participation
Working as a unified team
The importance of collaborating as one team
Discussions, not just bug submissions • Detailed meetings to discuss findings from offensive testing
Rotating work assignments and embedded liaisons
Setting expectations for stakeholders
Using organizational policy to create a need
Using compliance to create a need
The development style guide and standard libs
Style guides
Automated code scanning vs Manual reviews
Checklists set and track expectations
This talk is based on my O'REILLY repart available through Safari Books Online