Explore the groundbreaking SESAME project, a cooperative venture by scientists and governments in the Middle East, modeled after CERN, in this comprehensive 2-hour lecture. Discover how this Synchrotron Light source, operational since 2018 in Jordan, is revolutionizing scientific research across various disciplines. Learn about SESAME's unique status as the first green light source and its current scientific capabilities. Follow the project's journey from its inception in 1995, starting at the CERN cafeteria and traversing the Sinai desert, to its completion as a high-quality scientific facility. Gain insights into the challenges faced by international collaborations in today's global environment, and understand the significance of SESAME's diverse membership, including Cyprus, Egypt, Iran, Israel, Jordan, Pakistan, the Palestinian Authority, and Turkey.
SESAME: A Source of Light in the Middle East - Scientific Collaboration Across Borders
APS Physics via YouTube
SESAME: a Source of Light in the Middle East
Taught by
APS Physics