Explore the world of 3D CAD software for 3D printing in this informative video tutorial. Learn about different categories of CAD software, including parametric solid modeling, and discover why Onshape was chosen as the focus for this series. Understand the distinctions between various CAD options, their features, and licensing considerations. Follow along to create a free Onshape account and set up your preferences. Gain insights into selecting the right CAD software for your needs and prepare for future tutorials that will guide you through designing specific parts using Onshape's features.
The best option is the one that works for you
Categories of CAD software
What is parametric solid modelling?
Narrowing down parametric 3D CAD options
Why I use Onshape
Free* CAD
Creating a free Onshape account
Account settings: selecting units
Taught by
Teaching Tech
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The free CAD course on design and 3D printing is a comprehensive and accessible resource for beginners. It provides a hands-on approach to learning CAD software, guiding users through the design process with clarity and practical examples. The cours…