Explore a thought-provoking address by General Martin E. Dempsey, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, on the concept of the "security paradox" in modern international relations. Delve into the complex interplay between U.S. global dominance and historically low violence levels, contrasted with the unprecedented potential for conflict due to technological advancements. Gain insights into how the U.S. military is adapting to evolving security threats, including those posed by states, terrorist groups, and individuals. Witness General Dempsey's intelligence, integrity, and humor as he engages with students, challenging them to serve their country and addressing critical questions on topics such as drug cartels, torture, and policy-making. Moderated by Harvard Kennedy School Dean David Ellwood, this 59-minute forum, co-sponsored by the National Security Fellows at Harvard University, offers a compelling examination of contemporary global security challenges.
Whos counting
Red Sox
Kennedy School
West Point
Cuban Missile Crisis
A Nation in Decline
The Security Paradox
The Joint Force of 2020
Fighting Drug Cartels
Torture Houses
Body Counts
Student Question
Policy Making
Peter de la Roca
Kathleen Carroll
Victor Chikov
Taught by
Harvard University
5.0 rating, based on 1 Class Central review
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The "Security Paradox - Addressing Modern Security Challenges" course provides a comprehensive overview of the complexities in contemporary security issues. It effectively highlights the paradox between security measures and the unintended consequen…