Explore the wild west of early web security in this entertaining and informative conference talk from JSConf EU 2018. Dive into the chaotic world of 1990s internet, where HTML disintegration and forum takeovers were daily occurrences. Learn about the hard-earned security lessons from online pioneers, including tales of exploits in forums, chat rooms, and online games. Discover the dangers of bad input validation, the importance of never trusting user input, and the havoc wreaked by SQL injection attacks. Gain insights into cross-site scripting and JavaScript injection vulnerabilities, and understand how to protect yourself and your websites from these classic security threats. This humorous yet educational presentation not only provides a nostalgic look at the early days of the web but also offers valuable lessons for modern developers on navigating a world intent on exploiting every mistake.
Bad Input Validation
Never Trust User Input
SQL Injection
Bonus Story
Crosssite scripting
JavaScript injection
How to protect yourself
Taught by