Dive into the intricacies of Seaborn, a powerful data visualization library, in this comprehensive 1.5-hour tutorial. Begin with an introduction and setup, then explore a wide range of plot types including distplots, KDEplots, pairplots, strip and swarm plots, boxplots, jointplots, violinplots, and lmplots. Master regression plots, point bar and count plots, factorplots, heatmaps, tsplots, boxenplots, and facetgrids. Gain a deep understanding of Seaborn's capabilities to create sophisticated statistical graphics and enhance your data visualization skills.
Intro to Seaborn.
Seaborn Setup.
Distplot - Seaborn.
KDEplot - Seaborn.
Pairplot - Seaborn.
Strip and Swarm Plot - Seaborn.
Boxplot - Seaborn.
Jointplot - Seaborn.
Violinplot - Seaborn.
Lmplot - Seaborn.
Seaborn Regression Plots.
Point Bar & Count Plot - Seaborn.
Factorplot - Seaborn.
Heatmap - Seaborn.
Tsplot - Seaborn.
Boxenplot - Seaborn.
Facetgrid - Seaborn.
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Data Talks