Scaling a GitOps Platform - Lessons from Adobe's Journey
CNCF [Cloud Native Computing Foundation] via YouTube
Explore the challenges and solutions of scaling a GitOps platform at Adobe in this informative conference talk. Learn how Adobe successfully managed the growth from 0 to 10,000 Kubernetes services across 350 clusters in 28 different geographical locations. Discover valuable technical insights on Kubernetes cluster limitations, ArgoCD scaling requirements, and the implementation of dynamic routing for workloads. Gain knowledge on non-technical aspects such as effective disaster response and vendor engagement. Understand the journey of building and scaling a GitOps-driven platform, with a focus on ArgoCD and Argo Workflows. Apply these lessons to implement and scale your own GitOps-driven platform successfully within your organization.
Scaling a GitOps Platform at Adobe - Aaren J & Ko Uchiyama, Adobe
Taught by
CNCF [Cloud Native Computing Foundation]