Explore a 26-minute conference talk on Gibbs sampling and its applications to convex bodies, presented by Santosh Vempala from Georgia Institute of Technology. Delve into the intricacies of Coordinate Hit-and-Run (CHAR), a Markov chain sampling technique for high-dimensional distributions. Discover new findings on the efficient convergence of CHAR for sampling from convex bodies, including mixing time bounds and conductance comparisons with other sampling algorithms. Gain insights into the L_0 isoperimetric inequality and its relevance to the topic. Learn about the collaborative research with Aditi Laddha, which contributes to the field of computational geometry and probability theory.
Gibbs Sampling for Convex Bodies and an L_0 Isoperimetric Inequality
Institute for Pure & Applied Mathematics (IPAM) via YouTube
Santosh Vempala - Gibbs Sampling for Convex Bodies and an L_0 Isoperimetric Inequality
Taught by
Institute for Pure & Applied Mathematics (IPAM)