Explore the latest features and capabilities of Sanity Studio v3 in this comprehensive 1-hour 28-minute video tutorial. Learn how to get started with Sanity, install Sanity and Next-Sanity, set up Sanity Config, and integrate Sanity with Next.js. Discover best practices for naming conventions, using hot spot and crop functionalities, adding alt text, and reviewing changes. Dive into GROQ queries for efficient data retrieval and learn how to style and present data effectively. Get insights on Sanity vs. Sanity Studio, compatibility with package managers, and find valuable resources for further learning about Sanity.
- Welcome
- Who is Kapehe?
- What’s Sanity vs Sanity Studio?
- What’s new in Sanity version 3?
- Does Sanity version 3 work with npm, pnpm, yarn, etc.?
- How do I get started with Sanity?
- Installing Sanity and Next-Sanity
- Setting up Sanity Config
- Telling Next to use Sanity
- Naming things with plural or singular
- Naming our the corgis
- Using hot spot and crop
- Adding alt text
- Reviewing changes
- Using GROQ Query
- Styling and presenting the data
- Where can people find out more about Sanity?
Taught by
Learn With Jason