Embark on an extraordinary journey through the world's longest and loneliest sporting event, the Golden Globe Race, as recounted by adventure sailor and software industry executive Ian Herbert-Jones. Discover the challenges and triumphs of a 30,000-mile solo, non-stop, and unassisted sailing race around the world, traversing the mighty Southern Ocean and rounding the Great Capes. Gain insight into Herbert-Jones' eight-month experience alone at sea, exploring the highs and lows of this extraordinary voyage, including the loss of his beloved boat Puffin and his dramatic rescue in the South Atlantic. Learn about the pure challenge of this race that prioritizes adventure over winning at all costs, and draw inspiration from the story of an ordinary person daring to pursue an extraordinary dream. Delve into the raw and real account of survival, perseverance, and the human spirit in the face of extreme adversity.
Sailing Solo: One Man's Journey Through the World's Loneliest Race • Ian Herbert-Jones • GOTO 2023
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