Explore the critical issue of healthcare inequality, particularly in cancer treatment, through this compelling TEDx talk by Şerife Merkit Kiremitçi. Drawing from her extensive experience and decade-long commitment to Lösev (Children with Leukemia Health and Education Foundation), delve into the disparities in healthcare access and utilization, with a focus on cancer care. Gain insights into the challenges faced by patients and their families, and understand the importance of equal access to health services. Learn about Kiremitçi's journey from high school volunteer to her current role as Assistant Coordinator of LÖSEV's Public Relations "İnci" Project, and how her passion drives her mission to address healthcare inequalities.
Sağlıkta Eşitlik (Equality in Health) | Şerife Merkit Kiremitçi | TEDxALKEV Youth
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