Air Traffic Control: Separation Assurance
Growing numbers of UAV applications
Operations in unstructured environments: perceptic
Reachable Set Propagation
Level set interpretation
Numerical computation of reachable sets
Collision Avoidance Pilots instructed to attempt to collide vehicles
Backwards Reachable Set: Capture
Mode sequencing and reach-avoid
Dealing with the curse of dimensionality
Fast and Safe Planning
Precomputed Tracking Bound
10D Tracking 3D using RRT
Fast and Fast(er) Planning
Meta-Planning using FasTrack in AR/VR
Applied to: A Noisily Rational Human Model
Rationality is actually model confidence
Bayesian Model Confidence
Extending to multiple humans and robots
Analyzing introspective predictors
Using ML to compute sets
Safe Policy Gradient Reinforcement Lean
Online Disturbance Model Validation
Leaming, while staying safe
Taught by
Simons Institute