Rewriting the Narrative on the American South - A Vision for Montgomery
The Aspen Institute via YouTube
Explore the vision for a New American South in this 42-minute conversation with Mayor Steven Reed, the first Black mayor of Montgomery, Alabama. Delve into Reed's leadership story, the significance of Montgomery, and his plans for the city's future. Examine the impact of COVID-19, Reed's business experience, and his optimism for Montgomery. Discover how Reed innovates in a historically significant city and learn about Montgomery's cultural assets. Gain insights into the changing narrative of the American South and the importance of equity and competent leadership in today's rapidly evolving political landscape.
Leadership Story
Importance of Montgomery
Vision for Montgomery
Impact of COVID19
Business Experience
Optimism for Montgomery
Being an innovator in Montgomery
Question from Haley
Cultural Assets in Montgomery
Taught by
The Aspen Institute