Explore a thought-provoking TEDx Talk by Dr. A.F.M. Abdul Moyeen, Vice Chancellor of Comilla University, as he challenges traditional university education norms and proposes innovative practices for nurturing future-ready graduates. Delve into the disconnect between conventional teaching methods and the demands of today's rapidly changing world. Gain insights from Dr. Moyeen's 33 years of teaching experience and his work with renowned organizations like The World Bank, UKAid, SIDA, and the Swiss Agency for Development and Corporation. Discover strategies for equipping students with essential skills and adaptability to thrive in an ever-evolving landscape. Learn how universities can revolutionize their approach to education and prepare graduates for the challenges of tomorrow in this inspiring 18-minute presentation.
Rethinking the Classroom: Revolutionizing University Education | Dr. A.F.M Abdul Moyeen | TEDxCOU
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