Explore a 35-minute NANOG conference talk that delves into the inner workings of reputational providers, specifically focusing on Spamhaus threat researchers and their methodologies. Learn about the daily operations, policies, and procedures used to identify and combat malicious IPs and domains. Understand the escalation triggers, manual listing processes, and the collaborative approach taken by researchers within the internet security community. Through real-world examples and scenarios, discover how threat researchers work to detect and address network threats. Gain valuable insights from Matthew Stith, an experienced anti-abuse advocate and Industry Liaison for Spamhaus, as he shares his decade-long expertise in email, cloud hosting, and internet abuse prevention. Benefit from his involvement with M3AAWG, where he served on the Board of Directors and contributed to the Hosting Committee's best practices, to better understand how to work effectively with reputational providers in protecting networks and users.
Reputational Providers And What Makes Them Effective
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