- Intro
- A short history of ODI/HSGQ SFP PON Stick
- Overview of the HSGQ SFP XPON ONU Stick
- Getting Started - Connecting the Hardware
- Access the HSGQ SFP XPON Web Interface
- The PON Tab - XPON GPON/EPON status
- The PON Settings where you configure most of the thing
- MAC & MACKEY must see
- VLAN Setting Auto/Manual Transparent or PVID
- Clone the OMCI value from the ISP provided ONT
- Check the PON Authenticate Status O5 = good to go
- Set up PPPoE on the NanoPi R6S
- Some Speedtests
- More about the VLAN tagging on the XPON SFP Module
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Van Tech Corner