Learn Redux from scratch in this comprehensive tutorial for beginners using Redux Toolkit. Discover the fundamentals of React Redux through real-world examples, exploring Redux hooks, Redux Thunk, and understanding when and why to implement Redux in your projects. Dive into topics such as Redux reducers, actions, store management, and the useSelector hook. Master the art of dispatching Redux actions and handling asynchronous operations with ease. Gain insights into managing pending states and errors in async Redux, and explore advanced concepts like Redux Thunk for more complex state management scenarios. By the end of this 55-minute video tutorial, you'll have a solid foundation in Redux and be ready to implement it in your own React applications.
Why You Should Use Redux
How to Use React Redux
Understanding Redux Reducers and Actions
Understanding Redux Store
How to Use Redux useSelector
How to Dispatch Redux Actions
Easy Way to Handle Redux Async Actions
Redux Async Showing Pending and Error
Async Redux with Thunk
Taught by
Lama Dev