Explore Stanford University's comprehensive approach to recurrent miscarriage in this informative seminar. Delve into the complexities of repeat pregnancy loss, which affects 2-5% of couples trying to conceive. Learn about genetic, hematologic, uterine, and male factors contributing to miscarriage from a panel of experts representing 10 different subspecialties. Gain insights into treatment options for couples experiencing repeat pregnancy loss. Featuring presentations by renowned professionals including Dr. Ruth Lathi, Dr. Lusine Aghajanova, Dr. Heather Byers, Dr. May Chien, and Dr. Michael Eisenberg, this 68-minute video offers valuable knowledge for those seeking to understand and address recurrent miscarriage. Additionally, discover Stanford Health Library's free mindfulness and meditation resources to support overall well-being during challenging times.
Recurrent Miscarriage: Stanford's Multispecialty Approach
Taught by
Stanford Health Care