Explore the powerful features and tools of React Query in React Native development through this comprehensive talk from React Native EU 2021. Dive into the Stale-While-Revalidate concept, learn how to use GraphQL code generator for TypeScript types and custom hooks, and discover automatic re-fetch capabilities. Gain insights on implementing infinite queries with flat lists, leveraging React Suspense and Error boundaries, and persisting cache in Async storage. Compare React Query to Apollo Client and other popular GraphQL libraries, and uncover valuable lessons learned from real-world production implementation. Benefit from the speaker's extensive experience in creating low-code application development platforms and leading React Native with GraphQL app development since 2017.
React While Revalidate
GraphQL Code Generation
GraphQL Providers
Initial Data
App Focus Refetch
OnScreen Focus
Suspense and Error Boundaries
Flatlist with infinite queries
Optimistic updates
Cache persistence
React Query vs other libraries
Taught by
Callstack Engineers