Learn how to use the MPU9250 Accelerometer, Gyroscope, and Digital Magnetometer with a Raspberry Pi Pico and MicroPython to accurately position robots. Explore the inner workings of the MPU9250, including its dual-chip design, calibration techniques, and methods to dampen readings for practical use. Convert raw x, y, z data into degrees and radians, understand MEMS sensor operation, and implement data filtering for noise reduction. Dive into concepts such as hard iron and soft iron bias, magnetic declination, and the critical importance of proper calibration. Follow along with a hands-on demonstration, examining raw accelerometer values, applying low-pass filters, and interpreting calibrated data from all three sensors. Gain practical knowledge on I2C pinouts, access source code from GitHub, and discover essential tips for successful implementation in robotics projects.
Raspberry Pi Pico & MPU9250
Overview of the session
What is the MPU9250
MPU6500 + AK8963
Digital Magnetometer
How MEMS sensors Work
Data Process - filtering and noise reduction
Hard Iron and Soft Iron Bias
Warning - Calibration is not optional
Magnetic Declination
MPU9250 - I2C Pinouts
GitHub Sourcecode Repository
Demo Time
Raw Values from Accelerometer
low pass filter
Real Calibrated data from all three sensors
Just one more thing...
Taught by
Kevin McAleer