Learn to create interactive web applications using R Shiny through a comprehensive video series. Begin with building your first web app, then progress to developing interactive histograms and data-driven applications. Explore machine learning integration, construct a BMI calculator for health monitoring, and master the deployment process to Heroku. Gain hands-on experience in web app development using R Shiny across six informative episodes.
Web Apps in R: Building your First Web Application in R | Shiny Tutorial Ep 1.
Web Apps in R: Build Interactive Histogram Web Application in R | Shiny Tutorial Ep 2.
Web Apps in R: Building Data-Driven Web Application in R | Shiny Tutorial Ep 3.
Web Apps in R: Building the Machine Learning Web Application in R | Shiny Tutorial Ep 4.
Web Apps in R: Build BMI Calculator web application in R for health monitoring | Shiny Tutorial Ep 5.
Web Apps in R: How to Deploy R Shiny web app to Heroku | Shiny Tutorial Ep 6.
Taught by
Data Professor