QuickBooks 2020 Course for Beginners - QuickBooks Desktop 2020
Simon Sez IT via YouTube
- Write review
- Welcome and Overview
- QB Desktop vs. Online version
- QB Desktop versions explained
- QB 2020 New features Overview -PC version
- QB 2020 New features Overview - MAC version
- Setting Up Your Company File
- Using the Easy Step Interview Part. 1
- Using the Easy Step Interview Part. 2
- My Company overview
- Identifying the components of the QuickBooks environment
- Converting QB desktop data to the online version
- Preferences part 1
- Preferences part 2
- Working with users
- Chart of Accounts part 1
- Chart of Accounts part 2
- QB Sample Files
- Company file search - NEW!
- Working with customers and jobs part 1
- Working with customers and jobs part 2
- Estimates part 1
- Estimates part 2
- Invoicing from estimates part 1
- Invoicing from estimates part 2
- Invoicing customers for products and services
- Receiving customer payments
- Making deposits
- Creating credit memos
- Creating customer statements
- Income Tracker
- Working with Vendors
- Entering bills
- Paying bills
- Credit Memos
- Working with items part 1
- Working with items part 2
- Creating Purchase Orders
- Receiving Items
- Creating bills for Items
- Paying for Items
- Manually adjusting Inventory
Taught by
Simon Sez IT
3.0 rating, based on 1 Class Central review
Very helpful course for the beginners! Specially for the students of accounting who have interest in learning accouting software can do this course.it will help them to smooth their career.