Quantum processors based on cold neutral atoms
Atom-by-atom approach for building quantum matter Removing entropy by observation
Experimental setup
The dipole blockade: "coherent constraint"
Rydberg blockade in arrays
High-fidelity entanglement
Quantum simulator for Ising-type spin model
Adiabatic preparation of ordered states
Engineering broken symmetries by tuning the interactions
Benchmarking quantum simulator: Z order
Phase transition in a 51 atoms array
New physics: non-equilibrium many-body quantum dynamics
Kibble-Zurek Mechanism
Quantum Kibble-Zurek prediction for isolated systems
Scaling of the correlation length in Zz-order
Universality and physics beyond Kibble-Zurek
Scaling exponents for exotic phases
Scaling exponents across all phases
Outlook: new era of programmable quantum simulators
Optimization problem: maximum independent set
New trapping schemes: towards 2D arrays
Dynamics of large systems: understanding
Taught by
Simons Institute