) Introduction to quantum mechanics.
) The domain of quantum mechanics.
) Key concepts of quantum mechanics.
) A review of complex numbers for QM.
) Examples of complex numbers.
) Probability in quantum mechanics.
) Variance of probability distribution.
) Normalization of wave function.
) Position, velocity and momentum from the wave function.
) Introduction to the uncertainty principle.
) Key concepts of QM - revisited.
) Separation of variables and Schrodinger equation.
) Stationary solutions to the Schrodinger equation.
) Superposition of stationary states.
) Potential function in the Schrodinger equation.
) Infinite square well (particle in a box).
) Infinite square well states, orthogonality - Fourier series.
) Infinite square well example - computation and simulation.
) Quantum harmonic oscillators via ladder operators.
) Quantum harmonic oscillators via power series.
) Free particles and Schrodinger equation.
) Free particles wave packets and stationary states.
) Free particle wave packet example.
) The Dirac delta function.
) Boundary conditions in the time independent Schrodinger equation.
) The bound state solution to the delta function potential TISE.
) Scattering delta function potential.
) Finite square well scattering states.
) Linear algebra introduction for quantum mechanics.
) Linear transformation.
) Mathematical formalism is Quantum mechanics.
) Hermitian operator eigen-stuff.
) Statistics in formalized quantum mechanics.
) Generalized uncertainty principle.
) Energy time uncertainty.
) Schrodinger equation in 3d.
) Hydrogen spectrum.
) Angular momentum operator algebra.
) Angular momentum eigen function.
) Spin in quantum mechanics.
) Two particles system.
) Free electrons in conductors.
) Band structure of energy levels in solids.
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Academic Lesson