Learn how to automate image creation using the Patreon API and Pillow library in this Python programming tutorial. Explore the process of integrating Patreon's API to retrieve supporter information and utilize Pillow to generate custom images for video credits. Discover techniques for creating virtual environments, managing environment variables, and implementing list comprehensions. Follow along as the instructor demonstrates how to filter patron information, sort pledges, and dynamically generate images with supporter names. Gain practical insights into API usage, image manipulation, and automation techniques that can be applied to various projects beyond video credit creation.
Why use an API
Creating an API key
Installing the Patreon package
Adding the Patreon access token
filtering patron info
getting patron reward tier
sorting pledges
installing Pillow
creating the image
drawing the image
writing patrons names
drawing text
drawing text code
import function
Taught by
Corey Schafer