Watch Great Learning's 8-hour tutorial on Python! Python is a high-level programming language, with basic syntax, very much similar to the English Language. Python is an extremely popular programming language with huge amounts of people learning it every day. But it is just as essential to apply these learned concepts in a Python programming application to check whether or not what your learning is correct.
Great Learning brings you this tutorial on Python to take you from the starting point through the finishing point of everything you need to know about this domain and getting started on the journey to master it. This video starts off by introducing you to Python and Python integrated development environments, followed by looking at Python data structures, flow control statements and functions. Then we look at the concept of object-oriented programming, learn numerical computing with Numpy and understand data manipulation with Pandas. Following this, we will learn data visualization with Matplotlib and Seaborn libraries. Finally, we look at a couple of Python Projects to implement everything one would’ve learned so far. This video teaches Python and its key functions and concepts with a variety of demonstrations and examples to help you get started on the right foot.