Embark on a musical journey with Brazilian Popular Music (MPB) singer, guitarist, and composer John Mueller in this captivating TEDxBlumenau talk. Discover the essence of "Puro Eu: voz e violão" (Pure Me: voice and guitar), an intimate performance that weaves together Mueller's original songs and personal anecdotes. Gain insight into the artist's life, creative process, and musical evolution as he shares his experiences as a Blumenau native and award-winning musician. Explore the power of authentic self-expression through music as Mueller, winner of the 2023 National Song Festival and recipient of the 2023 Music Professionals Award for best singer in the southern region, showcases his talent and passion. Delve into the world of Brazilian Popular Music and witness the artistry that has earned Mueller critical acclaim, including three album releases, a live DVD, and numerous accolades celebrating his contributions to the genre.
Puro Eu | John Mueller | TEDxBlumenau
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