Explore a thought-provoking lecture on the challenges of managing large and evolving code bases in the era of big data. Delve into Professor Peter O'Hearn's insights on "Reasoning with Big Code" as part of The Turing Lectures series on Computer Science. Learn about the complexities of concurrent modification in extensive codebases and discover innovative approaches to tackle these issues. Gain valuable knowledge on recent developments in computer science and their implications for data science. The lecture also includes a Q&A session, allowing for deeper engagement with the topic. Additionally, hear from Professor Brad Karp on safeguarding sensitive data in Cloud and Browser environments through the principle of least privilege. Understand the mission and significance of the Alan Turing Institute, the UK's National Institute for Data Science, in advancing research at the intersection of computer science, mathematics, statistics, and systems engineering.
Professor Peter O’Hearn: "Reasoning with Big Code"
Taught by
Alan Turing Institute