Engineering Topological Phases in Lattices with Ultracold Atoms
Centrum Fizyki Teoretycznej PAN via YouTube
Explore the fascinating world of quantum mechanics and topological phases in this 53-minute seminar by Prof. Verónica Ahufinger Breto from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Delve into the control of tunneling in ultracold neutral atoms carrying orbital angular momentum, loaded in specific lattice geometries. Discover how complex tunneling amplitudes naturally emerge, enabling the engineering of topological phases. Learn about the single-particle problem in coupled rings, providing a foundation for describing coplanar lattices of identical rings. Gain insights into basic topology concepts and examine two examples of engineering topological phases: a diamond lattice in single-particle and two-body interacting cases, and a one-dimensional staggered lattice of rings. Explore recent research findings and their implications for the field of ultracold atoms and topological physics.
Prof. Verónica Ahufinger Breto: Engineering topological phases in lattices with ultracold atoms
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Centrum Fizyki Teoretycznej PAN