Confined Exciton-Polaritons for Integrated Quantum Technologies
Centrum Fizyki Teoretycznej PAN via YouTube
Explore a physics colloquium lecture that delves into exciton-polariton systems and their applications in integrated photonic and quantum technologies. Learn about groundbreaking advances in perovskite-based polaritonic circuits, including a novel template-assisted fabrication method for creating complex waveguiding microstructures. Discover how non-resonant stimulation achieves polariton lasing at waveguide edges and corners, featuring high coherence across polariton condensates. Examine the theoretical and numerical analysis of polariton states responsible for unique interference patterns. Gain insights into the quantization of exciton-polaritons in confined semiconductor structures, with particular emphasis on strong light-matter coupling in dielectric environments. Understand the crucial relationship between confinement and light-matter coupling, and explore proposed nanostructures where many-body effects like quantum polariton blockade could be observed under realistic conditions.
Prof. Michał Matuszewski (CTP PAS): Confined exciton-polaritons for integrated quantum technologies
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Centrum Fizyki Teoretycznej PAN