Learn how to prepare data for machine learning like a professional Data Engineer using the DataRobot AI Platform in this comprehensive tutorial. Explore the AI catalog functionality and dive into various data preparation techniques including creating computational features, outlier detection and removal, lookup tables and data joins, conditional computations, window functions, and shape transformations. Master the use of filtergrams for exploratory data analysis, adjust features and columns, and publish data lenses to the AI catalog. Gain hands-on experience with a powerful AI platform designed for enterprise-wide collaboration, covering the entire AI lifecycle from data preparation to machine learning and MLOps.
- Video Start
- Video Content Intro
- AI Platform various functionalities
- Data Preparation
- AI catalog Library Video and explanation
- Creating Data Preparation Project
- Filtergram - EDA
- Creating Computational Features
- Outlier Detection and Removal
- Lookup Tables and Data Join
- Conditional Computational Features
- Window Functions with aggregation, ranking
- Shape function, pivot, transpose
- Feature or columns adjustment
- Publish data Lens to AI Catalog
- Recap
- Credits
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