Explore the deep history of human infectious diseases in this 1-hour 17-minute lecture by Kyle Harper, presented by the Linnean Society. Delve into the intertwined tale of human progress and microbial ecology, examining what we know, don't know, and are learning about the past of humanity's germs. Gain insights into how plagues and pestilence have been a part of human history from ancient times to the present, including recent reminders like the COVID-19 pandemic and monkeypox. Learn from Harper, an economic and environmental historian specializing in the ancient world, as he draws from various disciplines to present a comprehensive view of humanity's long struggle with pathogenic microbes. Discover how this talk connects to Harper's broader work integrating natural sciences, social sciences, and humanities to deepen our understanding of human expansion as a planetary force.
Plagues upon the Earth: The Natural History of Human Germs | Kyle Harper
Taught by
Linnean Society