Happy Pi Day 2023!
Introduce Buffon's Needle
Unpack the math
Let toothpick fall at an angle
The probability that the toothpick crosses the border
Uniform probability density function
Illustrate the probablity with a graph
Approximating the value of Pi
Calculating the area under the curve
Resources for Buffon's Needle
Start Coding
Draw vertical lines
Add a toothpick
Draw background in setup
We have to use the built-in value of Pi
Find the closest column
Determine if the toothpick intersects the column
Rotate the line relative to the y-axis
Draw the toothpick as a vertical line
Improve the visuals
Approximate the value of Pi using the probility that a toothpick intersects a column
Suggestions for variations
New Passenger Showcase page on the Coding Train website
Easter egg
Taught by
The Coding Train
5.0 rating, based on 1 Class Central review
"Pi Revealed in a Pile of Toothpicks" is a captivating exploration of mathematics and artistry intertwined. Through the lens of simple toothpicks arranged in patterns, the documentary delves into the profound complexity of Pi, revealing its omnipresence in nature and human creations. With stunning visuals and accessible explanations, it demystifies the enigmatic nature of this irrational number, making it accessible to both mathematical enthusiasts and novices alike. The film not only educates but also inspires, showcasing how a seemingly mundane object can unlock the secrets of the universe. It's a mesmerizing journey that leaves viewers in awe of the beauty and intricacy of mathematics.