Installing XAMPP
Installing a free code editor
PHP code in HTML
The echo statement
The print statement
Comments in PHP
Line break
Variables & data types
Variables in echo/print
Data Types
Associative Arrays
Multidmensional arrays
Exercises data type
Arithmetic operators
Assignment operators
Comparison operators
Increment & decrement operators
Logical operators
Conditional statements
Switch statement
While loop
Do while loop
For loop
Foreach loop
Introduction to functions
Creating our first function
Functions with arguments/parameters
Functions with return value
Global and local scope
How to include documents
How to require documents
Exercises functions
Introduction to built-in functions
Math built-in functions
String built-in functions
Array built-in functions
Date and time functions
Random number generator
Exercises built-in functions
Superglobal Post
Superglobal Get
Superglobal Session
Superglobal cookies
Superglobal Files
How to create a upload system
Create & write files
Read from a file
Script for a contact form
Introduction to databases
Creating a MySQL databas
Creating a MySQL table
Inserting data using MySQL
Selecting data using MySQL
Updating data using MySQL X
Deleting data using MySQL
Ordering data using MySQL
Creating a complete login & register system
Taught by
Code With Dary