Ph2a Promo: Vibrations and Waves.
Lecture 1 - Simple Harmonic Motion.
Recitation 1 - Why Vibrations and Waves Matter.
Lecture 2 - The Pendulum and the LC Circuit.
Recitation 2 - Simple Harmonic Motion in Action.
Lecture 3 - Damped and Driven Harmonic Oscillator.
Recitation 3 - Damped Harmonic Motion - I.
Lecture 4 - Three Cases of Damped Motion.
Recitation 4 - Damped Harmonic Motion - II.
Lecture 5 - Steady State Motion of a Forced Damped Harmonic Oscillator.
Recitation 5 - Forced Harmonic Motion.
Lecture 6 - Energy and Power Dissipation; Coupled Oscillators.
Recitation 6 - Forced Harmonic Motion in Action.
Lecture 7 - Solving the Coupled Oscillator Equation.
Recitation 7 - Coupled Oscillators.
Lecture 8 - Forced Coupled Oscillation; Traveling Waves.
Recitation 8 - Coupled Oscillations in Action.
Lecture 9 - "The" Wave Equation and a Vibrating String.
Recitation 9 - The Phenomenon of Wave Propagation.
Lecture 10 - Where Things Begin and End Boundary Conditions and Discontinuities.
Recitation 10 - Continuum Normal Modes and Standing Waves.
Lecture 11 - Standing Waves.
Recitation 11 - Fourier Analysis in Action.
Lecture 12 - Fourier Analysis and then More Dimensions.
Recitation 12 - Standing Waves and Boundary Conditions in Two Dimensions.
Lecture 13 - Standing Waves Demonstrated and Analysis of the Circular Drumhead.
Recitation 13 - Interference and Sound Channels.
Lecture 14 - Interference of Waves and Electromagnetic Waves.
Recitation 14 - Interference in Action.
Lecture 15 - Polarization; Huygen’s Principle; Diffraction.
Recitation 15 - Polarization.
Lecture 16 - Double Slits and Circular Apertures.
Recitation - 16 - Introduction to Dispersion of Waves.
Lecture 17 - Fresnel Diffraction, then on to Dispersion.
Recitation 17 - Thanksgiving: A Glimpse into the Heart of Physics.
Lecture 18 - Dispersion Demonstrated.
Recitation 18 - Final Review.
Lecture 19 - The Bandwidth Theorem.
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