Considerations in preparing this talk
Informational Privacy: The Problem
When is informational privacy preserved?
Reconstruction attacks [Dinur N '03]
Reconstruction attacks Dinur N '03
Attacks on traditional privacy enhancing techniques
Reasons for optimism
Reconstruction attacks are useful!
What reconstruction attacks teach us?
Progressing towards a definition
A privacy desiderata
A more realistic privacy desiderata
Differential privacy [Dwork McSherry N Smith 86]
New privacy concepts
What makes a good privacy concept? (2)
What makes a good privacy concept? (3)
What makes a good privacy concept? (4)
Differentially Private Computations
What can be computed with differential Privacy?
What differential privacy is not?
U.S. Census Bureau
Some challenges
A perspective talk
Data Privacy: The Problem
A computer scientist and a legal scholar meet at the Simons Institute
What does "protecting individual privacy" mean?
Legal approach
Taught by
Simons Institute