Thermo Fisher SCIENTIFIC
High-throughput screening A large-scale operation
High-throughput protein and gene expression assays
Luminex xMAP multiplex assays
Multiplex gene and protein expression profiling
Two applications-1 instrument in 384-well format
xMAP bead-based assay technology
High-throughput ProcartaPlex 384-well assays
ProcartaPlex Analysis App
High throughput multiplex gene expression analysis: QuantiGene Plex assay
High-throughput cell screening workflow using QuantiGene Plex 384-well assay
Summary of Workflow and Equipment
Application: 3D cell culture compound screen
Application: Biomarker studies of iPSC-derived cells
Data analysis workflow for QuantiGene Plex assays
Desired Throughput
About the Lab Automation team
Lab automation capabilities
Lab automation journeys
inSPIRE Platform
Automation of QuantiGene Plex Assay
Momentum workflow scheduling software
Increasing throughput with the Cytomat incubator
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