Engage in a thought-provoking panel discussion exploring the complex relationship between artificial intelligence and society. Moderated by Oleg Tsal-Tsalko, Senior Solution Architect at EPAM, this 58-minute session features insights from industry experts including Evgeny Borisov (Developer Relations Lead at EPAM), Mary Grygleski (Senior Developer Advocate at DataStax), Andriy Mulyar (Cofounder and CTO at Nomic AI), and Sean Phillips (AI/ML Researcher at The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory). Delve into the potential benefits and risks of AI technology, examining its impact on various sectors and discussing ethical considerations. Gain valuable perspectives on the future of AI and its role in shaping our world. Connect with the panelists and Devoxx Ukraine through their social media channels for continued engagement and updates on AI developments.
Panel Discussion: AI- Friend or Foe? | Devoxx Ukraine 2023
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