Delve into a thought-provoking discussion between renowned physicists Brian Greene and Max Tegmark as they explore the controversial idea that mathematics and reality are fundamentally intertwined. This 1 hour 37 minute World Science Festival video, part of the Big Ideas series, challenges viewers to consider the nature of our universe through a mathematical lens. Examine topics such as the dimensionality of space, particle descriptions, artificial intelligence, and the concept of multiverses. Ponder philosophical questions about humility in scientific pursuits, the essence of mathematics, and the nature of self-awareness. Gain insights into mathematical structures and their potential role in shaping our understanding of the cosmos.
Max Tegmark
The spectrum of views
The dimensionality of space
Mathematical description of particles
How humble are we
Artificial Intelligence
What is mathematics
Space Time
Our Mathematical Universe
Mathematical Structures
Being Humble
Taught by
World Science Festival