Explore a thought-provoking conference talk where Dave Thomas, co-author of The Pragmatic Programmer and The Manifesto for Agile Software Development, challenges current Agile practices while advocating for a return to core agility values. Learn how the fundamental principles of agility remain relevant and can be effectively implemented even within rigid organizational structures. Discover practical approaches to improve individual, project, and team performance by embracing true agility values, moving beyond the formulaic implementations that have become commonplace in modern software development. Gain insights from Thomas's extensive experience as a programmer, speaker, teacher, and writer, including his contributions to Ruby, Rails, and Elixir programming languages. Delivered at the prestigious Emerging Tech East conference, this 65-minute presentation offers a fresh perspective on reclaiming the essence of agility while working within contemporary software development environments.
Not Dead Yet! Reclaiming Agility - Dave Thomas
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