Neural Networks Part 7 - Cross Entropy Derivatives and Backpropagation
StatQuest with Josh Starmer via YouTube
Learn how to calculate the derivative of the Cross Entropy function for Neural Networks and apply it to Backpropagation in this comprehensive video tutorial. Explore step-by-step explanations of dCE_setosa and dCE_virginica with respect to b3, other relevant derivatives, and the application of Cross Entropy in Backpropagation. Gain a deeper understanding of Neural Network concepts, building upon prior knowledge of backpropagation, multiple inputs and outputs, ArgMax, SoftMax, and Cross Entropy.
Awesome song and introduction
dCE_setosa with respect to b3
dCE_virginica with respect to b3
Other derivatives
Backpropagation with cross entropy
Taught by
StatQuest with Josh Starmer