Discover essential LaTeX packages for creating visually appealing mathematical documents in this comprehensive video tutorial. Learn to enhance your LaTeX skills by exploring features such as hyperlinks, code formatting, custom headers and footers, fancy chapters, colorful elements, theorem boxes, SI units, spacing adjustments, and glossary creation. Master techniques for collaborative editing, including GitHub synchronization and change tracking in review mode. Gain practical insights into using popular packages like hyperref, fancyvrb, fancyhdr, xcolor, tcolorbox, and siunitx to elevate the quality and professionalism of your LaTeX documents.
Intro to LaTeX.
Sharing in Overleaf.
Links and urls with hyperref.
Code and quotes with fancyvrb.
Headers and Footers with fncyhdr.
The lastpage package.
Modifications with etoolbox.
Syncing with Github.
Fancy Chapters.
Colors with xcolor.
tcolorbox for fancy boxes and theorems.
SI units with SIunitx.
Spacing with setspace.
Acronyms and Glossaries with gloassaries-extra.
Tracking Changes in Review Mode.
Taught by
Dr. Trefor Bazett