Explore patterns for incrementally migrating from a monolith to microservices in this comprehensive conference talk. Discover why big bang rebuilds are outdated and learn key principles for evolving your architecture while continuously shipping features. Delve into strategies for decomposing existing systems, including stranger patterns, change data capture, and database decomposition. Gain insights on migrating functionality from unchangeable systems, making this talk valuable for working with legacy systems and vendor products. Examine topics such as distributed monoliths, release trains, and the importance of having a clear reason for migration. Learn about the strangler pattern, branch by abstraction, parallel run patterns, and database refactoring techniques. Acquire practical knowledge to avoid common traps and implement a safety net during your microservices transition.
Monolith Micro Services
Distributed Monolith
Release Trains
You need a reason
Dont get full into those traps
Movement of functionality
Strangler pattern
Branch by abstraction
Parallel run patterns
Database refactoring
Database refactoring example
Database safety net
Taught by
NDC Conferences