- Introduction
- Ident
- Introducing Dr. Sanjeev Sarpal
- Tell us about yourself
- How did you get into the field of Digital Filter Design?
- So you didn’t think your lecturers focused enough on the practical
- Where do we use digital filters?
- What would you say are the advantages and disadvantages of digital filters vs. analogue filters?
- Are there things that you can do with digital filters that you can’t do with analogue filters?
- Can you be more precise with a digital filter?
- So the perfect world is this happy medium between some analogue filtering and some digital.
- What are some of the practical considerations we need to think about before we go into designing a digital filter?
- What drove you to develop the ASN Filter Designer?
- Demonstration of the ASN Filter Designer.
- The future of digital filters
- Conclusion
- End Screen
Taught by
Mark Newman