Explore the essential features of Microsoft 365 in this comprehensive tutorial focusing on Outlook and Teams. Learn to navigate the Outlook interface, compose and manage messages, track and unsend emails, schedule meetings, and print calendars. Dive into Teams to understand its interface, use chat and call functions, share screens, create teams and channels, schedule meetings, and manage notifications. Gain confidence in using these powerful productivity tools through hands-on exercises and practical demonstrations. By the end of this 86-minute tutorial, master the fundamental skills needed to effectively utilize Outlook and Teams in your daily work or personal tasks.
Getting Started with Outlook
Outlook Interface
Composing Messages
Managing Mailboxes
Message Tracking and Unsending
Scheduling Meetings
Printing Calendars
What is Teams?
Teams Interface and Shortcuts
Calls and Screen Sharing
Creating Teams
Creating Channels
Scheduling Meetings
Taught by
Learnit Training