▶️ We like win.
▶️ I am administrator.
▶️ Linux access.
▶️ Password hashes.
▶️ Introduction.
▶️ Metasploit framework overview.
▶️ Why is this one of your favourite tools?.
▶️ Windows and Linux.
▶️ This is a local lab.
▶️ Windows Metasploit demo.
▶️ Eternal Blue overview.
▶️ Start eternalblue.
▶️ Check attack viability.
▶️ Specify target (RHOSTS).
▶️ Exploit (check hosts).
▶️ Gain access.
▶️ Reverse shell.
▶️ Set rhosts.
▶️ Set payload.
▶️ Set lhost.
▶️ Set lport.
▶️ Run exploit.
▶️ Win.
▶️ Shell access gained.
▶️ Full Admin access.
▶️ Summary of what was done.
▶️ This is much easier - use automation.
▶️ Why did this work?.
▶️ What about Linux?.
▶️ Linux demo example.
▶️ Linux shell bug.
▶️ Use option.
▶️ Set header.
▶️ Set rhosts.
▶️ Set targeturi.
▶️ Set lhost.
▶️ Exploit.
▶️ shell created.
▶️ Make pretty.
▶️ Use Linux commands.
▶️ Which user account is used.
▶️ Got a remote shell .
▶️ Escalate priv.
▶️ Get admin and root accounts.
▶️ Summary of what we have done.
▶️ What other tools are you going to show us.
Taught by
David Bombal