Learn to build responsive React applications using Material UI 5 (MUI) in this comprehensive tutorial. Start with installation and dive into a crash course on MUI 5 fundamentals. Master the sx prop, create custom components and themes, and explore various MUI layouts. Develop responsive designs, implement app bars, menus, sidebars, and cards. Enhance your project with tooltips, floating action buttons, and icons. Create modals, implement dark mode, and learn how to deploy your MUI app. Perfect for beginners, this hands-on tutorial guides you through building a real-world project using the latest Material UI features.
MUI 5 Crash course
Material UI MUI sx prop
Custom MUI Components
How to Create a Custom MUI Themes
Mui Layouts Box, Container, Grid, Stack
Mui Responsive Design Tutorial
Mui App Bar Navbar
Mui Menu
Mui Sidebar
Mui Cards Social Media Card Example
Mui Right Menu
Mui Tooltip, Fab, Icons
Mui Modal Tutorial
Mui Dark Mode in 1 Minute
How to Deploy Mui App
Taught by
Lama Dev